Privt. LLC. (hereafter “Privt.”) was founded on the principal of privacy with no excuses. No matter who you are, we believe your information belongs to you and only you, therefore we aim to limit the amount of information used to the bare minimum and for the shortest possible time (“Privacy by Design”). In addition to using state-of-the-art encryption methods, we take all necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized data access and misuse.

Information you provide

We believe privacy is a right, not a privilege. Subsequently, it is important to us that your identity does not impact your privacy in any negative way therefore we do not collect any information related to your identity.


Privt. cannot decrypt or otherwise access the content of your messages. Privt. does not store your end-to-end encrypted messages on its servers after delivery. All of your message history is stored on your own device.


Privt. does not have access to your mobile phone contacts in order to provide a compartmentalised, heightened level of privacy.

Application data

In the context of the use of Privt., the following data is collected and stored:

Note: The application would not function without this information being used by the backend servers. Additionally, you can wipe this information at any time.

  • Connect ID
  • Public key
  • Activation code
  • Date of creation of the Activation code

The following information is optional and can be provided by the user voluntarily in order to provide a smoother user-experience:

  • Display name
  • Group chat name

Right to Information Deletion

Privt. believes your data belongs to you and only you, therefore you have the right to utilise the "Wipe" functionality which can be issued by any registered Privt. user to completely wipe their details from the server. Please note, once the information is deleted it cannot be restored.


We will update this privacy policy as needed so that it is current, accurate, and as clear as possible. Your continued use of our Services confirms your acceptance of our updated Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy please contact us at [email protected].